The Alan & Cyril Body Trust
Registered Charity Number 1133557
who can apply to the trust?
Full or part-time students at Cardiff University in the following disciplines may apply:
•Medicine – which includes:
o Dentistry
o Nursing & midwifery
o Other healthcare professions including Optometry
o Pharmacy
o Pharmacology
o Psychology and Biosciences - if students are
proceeding to study Medicine
•Law – (LPC students should read the Criteria carefully)
In cases of hardship the Trust can help with the cost of
•Living expenses
•Course materials
•Dissertation costs
Applicants should bear in mind that the Trust is relatively small, and normally will not be able to award more than about £500 to each applicant.
The Trust will not normally fund the purchase of computer equipment unless a student can establish why s/he cannot use the University computing facilities.
The Trust will not normally fund elective placements abroad, nor the purchase of optometry equipment.
Students may apply more than once during a course of study, though the Trustees may prioritise first-time applications.