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The Alan & Cyril Body Trust

Registered Charity Number 1133557

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Eleanor Bradley (1920 - 1976) was Cyril Body’s wife and the mother of David Body, the current Chair of Trustees.


She was born in Llanelli and became an SRN and midwife. She trained at the Royal Gwent Hospital in Newport at the beginning of the Second World War, and became a District Midwife in Cardiff.


The prizes given by the Trust and the Fellowship that bear her name were established in her memory by Cyril and David.


Unfortunately the Trust has not had sufficient funds in recent years to continue with this Fellowship, but is proud of its creation of the project and the change that it brought about. This is a page to commemorate what it achieved.

In conjunction with the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists the Trust established the Eleanor Bradley Fellowship, which provided a one-year training experience in Uganda for an obstetric and gynaecological Specialist Registrar. It iwas open to doctors at either Cardiff University or the University of Liverpool.

From 2008, for four years, the Trust was able to send a Fellow each year, whose presence at the Mulago Hospital in Kampala Uganda has made a significant difference to maternal perinatal and neonatal mortality. In the first year, a maternal death audit and a programme for training midwives were established. In the second year, a triage system for the labour ward was introduced, which

supported the development of a High Dependency Unit in the third year. The net result has been that the number of maternal deaths at the Mulago Hospital has fallen substantially over three years. And good practice spreads outward from the hospital.

The Fellowship had two-way benefits. It is also of major educational benefit for the Fellow, who encounters a range of clinical experiences outside the usual UK practice and finds that s/he has to exercise ingenuity and initiative in a way that greatly enhances his or her skills, which s/he then brings back to the UK.

The fellowship cost between £15,000 and £18,000 a year. At its crudest, this amounts to around £400 for a woman’s life. The scheme also yields other benefits: children are spared coping with the loss of their mother in an already challenging environment; a significant number of babies’ lives have been saved as a direct or indirect result of the work of the Fellows; and a number of women are living healthier and fuller lives as a result of the medical interventions at the Mulago Hospital.

The Fellowship




Maternal mortality is a desperate blight on sub-Saharan Africa where the lifetime risk of maternal death is 1 in 16. By contrast the lifetime risk of maternal death for developed nations is only 1 in 2,800. Maternal death is a major cause of health inequality and also has a significant impact on the life chances of surviving children.

For a link to the

Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

click here


"At the Royal College we are very proud of the Eleanor Bradley Fellowship and use it as a model for other initiatives. The key point is its sustainability, with one Fellow building off the achievements of his or her predecessors. We hope it continues for many years to come. Please support it. " 

Professor Anthony Falconer RCOG President

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